Saturday, 23 April 2011

How To Survive Neighbour Wars

You should expect that sometimes neighbours can be nice people and fun to be around. I'm going to be talking about the other type, the snoopy, nosey and sometimes aggressive. I've actually had dealings with some of my other neighbours (I no longer see them [YES!!]) who were extremely difficult to deal with and the entire situation got worse when meeting them any time. So we know that some of you may have annoying neighbours you want nothing to do with, but avoiding the neighbour simply won't last. I can tell you that if the situation gets out of control and the police are called, all they will do is tell both parties to calm down and stay away from each other. This may work, however if it doesn't I can offer a few pieces of advice to hopefully get you through this time.
First of all making threats of 'taking them to court' might work, however it would most likely cause further troubles with increased aggression and they may take it out on your car! So unfortunately being diplomatic is the only way to stop the 'fights'.
Try writing them a note and leaving it in their letter box outlining that you wish nothing to do with them and you'd prefer it if you never even acknowledged each other.
If nothing else works then hopefully, if you speak to them face to face and be assertive (watch your tone of voice so as not to come off as threatening) when you tell them to leave you alone, this should do the trick. If your neighbour is so unbelievable that they still don't leave you alone, court action may be your only option.

Hope I've helped

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