Monday, 25 April 2011

How to survive a movie marathon

Well staying up all night is never easy but staying up all night with a bunch of roudy 13-19 year old nutcases is kinda hard esspecially when alls you want to do is sleep. There are many do's and don'ts in a movie marathon here are just a few that i hope will get you through the experience.

1) Never sit at the front, the front is reserved for people who like getting wet gum thrown in their hair, popcorn spat at them through a straw or a frozen coke dropped on their lap. Always try to sit in the middle as your far away enough from the people at the back who will kick the back of your chair and throw things and you are also sufficiently far away enough from the front to avoid being a human target for confectionary items.

2)Never draw attention to yourself. No one wants to be that irritating little #$%* who talks, texts or finds it so urgent that they have to talk on their phone throughout the film. If you find yourself in this situation only god can help you as im sure by the second film you'll be so hated by everyone in the cinema that when you get up to leave you will find yourself being mysteriously followed by a gang of haters to your car.

3)Sit on the end of the aisles. Everybody hates that mid movie rush to the toilet, when your scrambling to get over people who are sitting around you right when there is a key plot sequence. To avoid being tripped over and gropped by strangers sit at the end you'll have a much nicer time

So i hope that some of these tips may help you survive in your next movie marathon if your crazy enough to go to one .

Cheers patrick warren

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