yeah it's me again lol, i have no idea how figure this out, it's like 'a random idea' well you guys know I was sick, because of 'quinsy' lol~~ so I was so lost, I haven't post any thing on my blog, so yeah i need one more idea to post on, I mean 'RIGHT NOW' LOL~~'omg it s so hard!!!' but I'm ACE , I think I can handle it lol~~okay let's rock it !!! yeah ,,,,, SO what's my post?? any ideas?? please...tell me. Ok be serious now lolol~~ think about when's my last time i broke up??? oh it was ages ago,oh wait! someone post this topic already in my blog lol~~damn, so we need to think the others, than it's time for FB (facebook) , I may find something from my friends's FB to post,... so when u need an idea just get on FB and check it out,,,..(after 1HR)
oh guys i was sleeping, sorry so yeah this is my idea, how to survive 'when u really need a idea to post"? just shut up and say "what a nice post"!!!
To whoever is reading this ,just go back to sleep, or i will pass my 'quinsy' to you next time!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hang on, I've done a lot of writing now, so it s time to post ,, yeah, that's how can you come out with your idea!!!! hahhaha
have a good one
Friday, 29 April 2011
Thursday, 28 April 2011
How to Survive an All-Nighter
If you’re young and have some friends over, you all might consider staying up late playing video games/ watching movies. The night however can seem to drag on and on, so how can you stay awake for all that time and get a lot of practice in killing your friends in your favourite split/screen video game? Generally if your mind is kept active, which would mean that you have to be interested in whatever you’re doing lest you feel the drowsiness set in then basically you’re likely to survive the night and not feel the shame of waking up with a lot of texta marks on your face. If however you’re into coffee then use that it’ll keep you going to the toilet which will be a pain but at least you have a good chance in not falling asleep. There are other ‘old wives tales’ you may be interested to try but my two tips are effective at achieving your goal.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
How To Survive 'quinsy'?
Peritonsillar abscess, also called quinsy or abbreviated as PTA, is a recognised complication of tonsillitis and consists of a collection of pus beside the tonsil (peritonsillar space)
I got this thing last week, because of my carelessness, lol~~ but yeah anyway today just want to talk about how did I survive during it happened lol~, so yeah, it happens like this, I was normal sick like 'cold' ' flu' whatever, then I went to see a GP, she told me "oh boy,you are serious enough to get into hospital, because of your 'quinsy', I was like 'oh ok' then ambulance 'bibbubibuibu...'~ then the doctor 'Dr.Phli' helps me do the operation, but it s a little one so it's ok, I can handle it, then after the injection, I fell asleep, haha~IT WAS AWSESOME!! well I mean the feeling so after that when I woke up, I realised I wouldn't speak lol~~ but i can use my body language to convey what I want, but it s easy to survive like that if you are good at body language like me~~haha`~~let me tell u how to survive when you are in such situation:
1, when you need any thing, use your brain to think 1st;
2, decide what to do
3, press a button on the remote to let the nurse know you need help
4, use your body language to tell her (the nurse)
5, enjoy the service hahah
that's the way to survive 'quinsy'?
By Ace
Monday, 25 April 2011
How to survive a movie marathon
Well staying up all night is never easy but staying up all night with a bunch of roudy 13-19 year old nutcases is kinda hard esspecially when alls you want to do is sleep. There are many do's and don'ts in a movie marathon here are just a few that i hope will get you through the experience.
1) Never sit at the front, the front is reserved for people who like getting wet gum thrown in their hair, popcorn spat at them through a straw or a frozen coke dropped on their lap. Always try to sit in the middle as your far away enough from the people at the back who will kick the back of your chair and throw things and you are also sufficiently far away enough from the front to avoid being a human target for confectionary items.
2)Never draw attention to yourself. No one wants to be that irritating little #$%* who talks, texts or finds it so urgent that they have to talk on their phone throughout the film. If you find yourself in this situation only god can help you as im sure by the second film you'll be so hated by everyone in the cinema that when you get up to leave you will find yourself being mysteriously followed by a gang of haters to your car.
3)Sit on the end of the aisles. Everybody hates that mid movie rush to the toilet, when your scrambling to get over people who are sitting around you right when there is a key plot sequence. To avoid being tripped over and gropped by strangers sit at the end you'll have a much nicer time
So i hope that some of these tips may help you survive in your next movie marathon if your crazy enough to go to one .
Cheers patrick warren
How to survive break up
Break-ups are never easy, nor fun. Most people just need to know how to survive it in a way that doesn't make you look like an idiot. Here are a few ways to get through and hopefully, move on.
1. CRY.. Have a long, good cry.
2. Drive to your best friend’s house for a shoulder to cry on. They will be able to make you laugh and say all the right things to make you feel better.
3. Do not cry in front of him - you don’t want to look like a fruit loop and make him think that he’s making the right decision. Keep in mind its his loss not yours!
4. Cut off all contact with him for at least a month. This will help the healing process because you won’t be talking to him all the time.
5. Box up all the things that he gave you, or that remind you of him. Put them in a box for a time when you’re less emotional.
6. When he does come back around, make him work for your attention. Even though you may still like him, make him think that he has to win you back, and that you have other prospects out there waiting for you. Remember to remain classy.
Best of luck ladies
Natasha Raina
1. CRY.. Have a long, good cry.
2. Drive to your best friend’s house for a shoulder to cry on. They will be able to make you laugh and say all the right things to make you feel better.
3. Do not cry in front of him - you don’t want to look like a fruit loop and make him think that he’s making the right decision. Keep in mind its his loss not yours!
4. Cut off all contact with him for at least a month. This will help the healing process because you won’t be talking to him all the time.
5. Box up all the things that he gave you, or that remind you of him. Put them in a box for a time when you’re less emotional.
6. When he does come back around, make him work for your attention. Even though you may still like him, make him think that he has to win you back, and that you have other prospects out there waiting for you. Remember to remain classy.
Best of luck ladies
Natasha Raina
Saturday, 23 April 2011
How To Survive Neighbour Wars
You should expect that sometimes neighbours can be nice people and fun to be around. I'm going to be talking about the other type, the snoopy, nosey and sometimes aggressive. I've actually had dealings with some of my other neighbours (I no longer see them [YES!!]) who were extremely difficult to deal with and the entire situation got worse when meeting them any time. So we know that some of you may have annoying neighbours you want nothing to do with, but avoiding the neighbour simply won't last. I can tell you that if the situation gets out of control and the police are called, all they will do is tell both parties to calm down and stay away from each other. This may work, however if it doesn't I can offer a few pieces of advice to hopefully get you through this time.
First of all making threats of 'taking them to court' might work, however it would most likely cause further troubles with increased aggression and they may take it out on your car! So unfortunately being diplomatic is the only way to stop the 'fights'.
Try writing them a note and leaving it in their letter box outlining that you wish nothing to do with them and you'd prefer it if you never even acknowledged each other.
If nothing else works then hopefully, if you speak to them face to face and be assertive (watch your tone of voice so as not to come off as threatening) when you tell them to leave you alone, this should do the trick. If your neighbour is so unbelievable that they still don't leave you alone, court action may be your only option.
Hope I've helped
First of all making threats of 'taking them to court' might work, however it would most likely cause further troubles with increased aggression and they may take it out on your car! So unfortunately being diplomatic is the only way to stop the 'fights'.
Try writing them a note and leaving it in their letter box outlining that you wish nothing to do with them and you'd prefer it if you never even acknowledged each other.
If nothing else works then hopefully, if you speak to them face to face and be assertive (watch your tone of voice so as not to come off as threatening) when you tell them to leave you alone, this should do the trick. If your neighbour is so unbelievable that they still don't leave you alone, court action may be your only option.
Hope I've helped
Friday, 22 April 2011
How to survive a bad boss
We've all been there, and if not, your time is coming. Everyone, at one time or another, has dealt with a horrible boss and just wondered how the heck to deal them. This is your survival guide to not only tolerate them but to make them love you. Its all about kissing ass my dear friends.
1. Find out the likes and dislikes of your boss. You can use such topics of discussion to your advantage and completly avoid the dislikes.
2. Always agree with his/her opinion in public, then in private, suggest your own solution. In other words, never ever disagree with him/her in front of others in the office. This is all about creating your image to your boss you gace similar minds. Say "You're absolutely right" when she makes a suggestion about how you should go about things, then do your own thing if you're positive it will work.
3. Be very very supportive of her. Make the boss look good. Humor them, flatter them, praise them. Tell them they're a great boss ( but you know their not!!!).
These suggestons will make your survival in the work place a much brighter place. But if you cant be a suck up or a kiss ass, quit.If your boss is completly intolerable and you cant stand the look of their face this is your best option. Life is too short my fellow comrads.
Why survive it when you dont have to?
Natasha Raina
1. Find out the likes and dislikes of your boss. You can use such topics of discussion to your advantage and completly avoid the dislikes.
2. Always agree with his/her opinion in public, then in private, suggest your own solution. In other words, never ever disagree with him/her in front of others in the office. This is all about creating your image to your boss you gace similar minds. Say "You're absolutely right" when she makes a suggestion about how you should go about things, then do your own thing if you're positive it will work.
3. Be very very supportive of her. Make the boss look good. Humor them, flatter them, praise them. Tell them they're a great boss ( but you know their not!!!).
These suggestons will make your survival in the work place a much brighter place. But if you cant be a suck up or a kiss ass, quit.If your boss is completly intolerable and you cant stand the look of their face this is your best option. Life is too short my fellow comrads.
Why survive it when you dont have to?
Natasha Raina
Thursday, 21 April 2011
How do you survive shopping with a woman ?
Well how do you survive shopping with a woman? It is a question that man has tormented over since the idiot who invented fashion. If man had it his way we would all walk around in unisex jump suits. But my dear friends before you jump off the harbour bridge or slit your wrists in desperation here are a few tips to help you survive.
1)Firstly make sure that you have a big meal the night before as you may be walking around hopelessly lost for at least 7 maybe 8 hours if you’re lucky. It will be a marathon effort and if you go in with this in mind you may just survive.
2) Secondly she's going to ask you a question which will go something along the lines of do i look good in this? Firstly you’re dead if you answer it and your dead if you don't so it's best you give her a fake answer, at this point try to look at your feet, cough inconspicuously or try say that you need to go to the toilet. She will know that you haven't answered the question but at least you haven’t (excuse the French) dug yourself a whole of shit that you can't dig yourself out of.
3) the most important part of surviving a shopping experience with a woman is to never ever ever under no circumstances complain. Don't show any signs of weakness just smile and agree with everything she's telling you. If she asks you to sit down or get something to eat say that your fine and at least you can hide the fact that from the first moment you agreed to do go shopping with her it has felt like a thousand kicks to the nuts.
Well i hope these tips will help you on some dark gloomy day in the not too distant future when your girlfriend is dragging you round by the ankles from Myer to DJ's And remember as the great mark twain said which i think applies to shopping as well , "There is nothing comparable to the endurance of a woman. In military life she would tire out an army of men, either in camp or on the march".
By Patrick warren
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Surviving Traffic
Ah Traffic, can there be anything more aggravating than watching a seemingly endless queue of petrol gobbling commuters. But hey traffic is common, nobody likes it, and we have to live with it (this is the hardest part to deal with). Traffic doesn't affect just drivers but also public transport users, it gets really annoying when you pay for public transport and its late or takes longer than expected to reach your destination, and you get the blame when you arrive late.
So I'll just provide you with a few tips to calm your nerves before you start hurling the nearest objects you find in your car at the driver in front of you.
Tips to note would have to be:
#1: Get your hand off the horn, doesn't help anyone or your blood pressure for that matter.
#2: Try to calm yourself down, if you start getting angry and it affects your driving. It'll only make it worse if you hit another person's car (just hope your stronger than the driver is, so you won't add a medical bill to the list).
#3: You should already be driving slowly, but if you find yourself getting bored and restless then I recommend you find something to do in the meantime that does not interfere or distract you from driving. Something like finding a radio station you like, there is however little that you can do legally in the car nowdays. If you're on public transport, then read a book, listen to your music the possibilities are large compared to driving.
Traffic can be quite cumbersome at times but you have to live through it in order to survive typical suburban life. I hope my tips have helped.
Yours Truly
Facebook is one kind of necessary things that I have to get it done everyday. Some younger generations are even worse, like my little nephew, his first thing that has to be done after putting down his bag at home is getting online, busy with uploading Facebook status. (You know upload photos…) By the way, he is only in Year 9. But one day I started to think, what will happen if there is ‘NO Facebook’ in my life? How to survive without it? This will be a grand idea that I quit from ‘Facebook’ over period. Since my best friend changed my Facebook password, I definitely cannot get on my Facebook. In the earlier stage of my ‘non-FB period’, I would start to contact friends through my iPhone, SMS was getting more and more. When friends started to talk about funny status or posts on someone’s Facebook, I felt like getting back to my Facebook and really want to check it out. But this is my mini ‘non-fb’ experiment, so I got start to be busy with other things. In my ‘non-fb’ life, everytime when ‘Facebook’ appears in my mind, I would just forget it and changed my mind to get other things done. Such as trying to make myself busy all the time, even better to ‘kill’ my essay or assignment first, therefore there is no time to think about Facebook status. In this ‘non-fb’ period, I found my Top 10 things to do instead of Facebook:
1. Do your homework/assignment
2. Read new Chapter for the coming lecture
3. Go to gym and release your energy
4. Get out of the house and hang out with friends
5. Call or text straight to others
6. Watch ‘SCRE4M’ (Or other movies)
7. Walk my dog
8. Go to any concert and have a good sleep through it
9. Gardening
10. Short-term traveling
The key point is to keep yourself busy with others, then you can survive during the time without Facebook. Well, it is better to learn how to survive without Facebook before you travel to China. (Facebook got banned in China, except HongKong.)
Best wishes.
Nanbo Huang.
Monday, 18 April 2011
How to survive bad customers
Anyone who has worked in customer service knows the feeling of dread when a customer comes in roaring and scratching their claws all over your territory. You immediately feel your heart rate increase, your airway feels restricted. You think to yourself, "Why me?" There’s an unlimited number of situation that ticks employees to the brink of breaking. Surviving such deadly conditions is not for the faint hearted so brace yourself for the worst of the worst of bad customers.
- When a customer is being rude and abusive: Don’t let them walk all over you, be the lion of the jungle and show them whose boss. Complete their order or transaction in slow motion. Or you could tell them what a terrible cold you have, and then pretend to sneeze all over their change. Put salt into their wound.
- Surviving cheap customers can be the biggest challenge. It’s like they have a scarcity of resources to fork out another 10c or demand items to be discounted for no reason. If your trying to survive in the wilderness would you really have any bargaining power. So in this instance, when they buy a discount item, look at it, then look up at them, then look back at it, and then snicker. This will send the customer into a fanatical frenzy about their purchase.
- When a customer gives you really awkward money for their shopping. Do they want to make your job tedious and painful? You can survive this by giving them their change in little coins. Nothing helps to deal with this than sweet revenge.
- Dealing with children who are out of control messing up your pamphlets and chocolate bars, while their parents just them roam free like wild pigs. Dealing with stray children can be more deadly than any animal found in the wild. To survive this look at the father incredulously and ask: "Are they your kids?". When he says "Yes," ask, "Are you sure?" This will mostly likely result him not bring his children back to the store.
Not all customers behave like such animals but for the ones that do, you now have leather tough mechanisms to survive them.
Best of luck.
Natasha Raina.
- When a customer is being rude and abusive: Don’t let them walk all over you, be the lion of the jungle and show them whose boss. Complete their order or transaction in slow motion. Or you could tell them what a terrible cold you have, and then pretend to sneeze all over their change. Put salt into their wound.
- Surviving cheap customers can be the biggest challenge. It’s like they have a scarcity of resources to fork out another 10c or demand items to be discounted for no reason. If your trying to survive in the wilderness would you really have any bargaining power. So in this instance, when they buy a discount item, look at it, then look up at them, then look back at it, and then snicker. This will send the customer into a fanatical frenzy about their purchase.
- When a customer gives you really awkward money for their shopping. Do they want to make your job tedious and painful? You can survive this by giving them their change in little coins. Nothing helps to deal with this than sweet revenge.
- Dealing with children who are out of control messing up your pamphlets and chocolate bars, while their parents just them roam free like wild pigs. Dealing with stray children can be more deadly than any animal found in the wild. To survive this look at the father incredulously and ask: "Are they your kids?". When he says "Yes," ask, "Are you sure?" This will mostly likely result him not bring his children back to the store.
Not all customers behave like such animals but for the ones that do, you now have leather tough mechanisms to survive them.
Best of luck.
Natasha Raina.
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Future Blog
With great feedback and discussion between our members we have completed the design of what our blog will look like finished.
This is our drawn paper based version of our non-linear storyboard of the blog. So essentially our group has decided that some of these gadgets and features shall be placed in this very position, and what these features will do and where they will take you. The background has some relevance to our topic but we decided it was the best to have as this background does not clash with the foreground and make it hard to read. Consistency is design has been carefully considered and we have implemented this in our blog. Our blog has good use of white-spacing so the content does not clutter our web page, preventing our blog from being successful.
From the points we have made, our design has been finalised and the storyboard helps to show you the layout graphically, instead of written which, unfortunately, our design had to be.
Thanks from the Suburban Survival Guide Team
This is our drawn paper based version of our non-linear storyboard of the blog. So essentially our group has decided that some of these gadgets and features shall be placed in this very position, and what these features will do and where they will take you. The background has some relevance to our topic but we decided it was the best to have as this background does not clash with the foreground and make it hard to read. Consistency is design has been carefully considered and we have implemented this in our blog. Our blog has good use of white-spacing so the content does not clutter our web page, preventing our blog from being successful.
From the points we have made, our design has been finalised and the storyboard helps to show you the layout graphically, instead of written which, unfortunately, our design had to be.
Thanks from the Suburban Survival Guide Team
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