Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Our youtube video

We've got a video up to show our readers, hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

How to Survive an animal attack

Your standing around in your backyard when a huge fierce ferocious life threatening man eater enters your personal space what do you do ?well there has been many ways people survive the wild, such as eating everything you find , being extremely resourceful and surviving attacks from wild animals through extreme brains and frostie. However surviving attacks from the neighbours dogs or animals that adjust to suburban life can be challenging, or so u think. Most people that have been attacked by wild animals have died horribly and i personally have never found myself in such a situation however if you find yourself up against it, here are a few tips that I’ve picked up over the course of my life here in the chaos that is suburbia:
1) Never stick your thumb out to animals’ u think look cute, they'll bite your freaking head off or in my case my thumb.
2) If its got balls kick them (just cause it isn’t human doesn't mean it don't hurt if you kick it in the can)
3) If you’re being chased by a neighbours dog down a straight road and you can't outrun it try running in circles as the dog will do the same and eventually start chasing its tail, (don't hold me to that one especially if your name is ace)                                          
4) If you’re a lady and your out at night and you feel the jaws of a tiger sink into your back take of your high heels and give it a good whack (P.S may be a drunken guy).

 So there are just a few ways in which all of us can survive attacks from suburban animals, and remember when in peril always think, what would bear grylls do?

Cheers from pat warren

Friday, 29 April 2011

How To Survive 'when u need a blog IDEA'

yeah it's me again lol, i have no idea how figure this out, it's like 'a random idea' well you guys know I was sick, because of 'quinsy' lol~~ so I was so lost, I haven't post any thing on my blog, so yeah i need one more idea to post on, I mean 'RIGHT NOW' LOL~~'omg it s so hard!!!' but I'm ACE , I think I can handle it lol~~okay let's rock it !!! yeah ,,,,, SO what's my post?? any ideas?? please...tell me. Ok be serious now lolol~~ think about when's my last time i broke up??? oh it was ages ago,oh wait! someone post this topic already in my blog lol~~damn, so we need to think the others, than it's time for FB (facebook) , I may find something from my friends's FB to post,... so when u need an idea just get on FB and check it out,,,..(after 1HR)
oh guys i was sleeping, sorry so yeah this is my idea, how to survive 'when u really need a idea to post"? just shut up and say "what a nice post"!!!
To whoever is reading this ,just go back to sleep, or i will pass my 'quinsy' to you next time!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hang on, I've done a lot of writing now, so it s time to post ,, yeah, that's how can you come out with your idea!!!! hahhaha

have a good one


Thursday, 28 April 2011

How to Survive an All-Nighter

If you’re young and have some friends over, you all might consider staying up late playing video games/ watching movies. The night however can seem to drag on and on, so how can you stay awake for all that time and get a lot of practice in killing your friends in your favourite split/screen video game? Generally if your mind is kept active, which would mean that you have to be interested in whatever you’re doing lest you feel the drowsiness set in then basically you’re likely to survive the night and not feel the shame of waking up with a lot of texta marks on your face. If however you’re into coffee then use that it’ll keep you going to the toilet which will be a pain but at least you have a good chance in not falling asleep. There are other ‘old wives tales’ you may be interested to try but my two tips are effective at achieving your goal.


Tuesday, 26 April 2011

How To Survive 'quinsy'?

Peritonsillar abscess, also called quinsy or abbreviated as PTA, is a recognised complication of tonsillitis and consists of a collection of pus beside the tonsil (peritonsillar space)
I got this thing last week, because of my carelessness, lol~~ but yeah anyway today just want to talk about how did I survive during it happened lol~, so yeah, it happens like this, I was normal sick like 'cold' ' flu' whatever, then I went to see a GP, she told me "oh boy,you are serious enough to get into hospital, because of your 'quinsy', I was like 'oh ok' then ambulance 'bibbubibuibu...'~ then the doctor 'Dr.Phli' helps me do the operation, but it s a little one so it's ok, I can handle it, then after the injection, I fell asleep, haha~IT WAS AWSESOME!! well I mean the feeling so after that when I woke up, I realised I wouldn't speak lol~~ but i can use my body language to convey what I want, but it s easy to survive like that if you are good at body language like me~~haha`~~let me tell u how to survive when you are in such situation:
1, when you need any thing, use your brain to think 1st;
2, decide what to do
3, press a button on the remote to let the nurse know you need help
4, use your body language to tell her (the nurse)
5, enjoy the service hahah

that's the way to survive 'quinsy'?

By Ace

Monday, 25 April 2011

How to survive a movie marathon

Well staying up all night is never easy but staying up all night with a bunch of roudy 13-19 year old nutcases is kinda hard esspecially when alls you want to do is sleep. There are many do's and don'ts in a movie marathon here are just a few that i hope will get you through the experience.

1) Never sit at the front, the front is reserved for people who like getting wet gum thrown in their hair, popcorn spat at them through a straw or a frozen coke dropped on their lap. Always try to sit in the middle as your far away enough from the people at the back who will kick the back of your chair and throw things and you are also sufficiently far away enough from the front to avoid being a human target for confectionary items.

2)Never draw attention to yourself. No one wants to be that irritating little #$%* who talks, texts or finds it so urgent that they have to talk on their phone throughout the film. If you find yourself in this situation only god can help you as im sure by the second film you'll be so hated by everyone in the cinema that when you get up to leave you will find yourself being mysteriously followed by a gang of haters to your car.

3)Sit on the end of the aisles. Everybody hates that mid movie rush to the toilet, when your scrambling to get over people who are sitting around you right when there is a key plot sequence. To avoid being tripped over and gropped by strangers sit at the end you'll have a much nicer time

So i hope that some of these tips may help you survive in your next movie marathon if your crazy enough to go to one .

Cheers patrick warren

How to survive break up

Break-ups are never easy, nor fun. Most people just need to know how to survive it in a way that doesn't make you look like an idiot. Here are a few ways to get through and hopefully, move on.

1. CRY.. Have a long, good cry.

2. Drive to your best friend’s house for a shoulder to cry on. They will be able to make you laugh and say all the right things to make you feel better.

3. Do not cry in front of him - you don’t want to look like a fruit loop and make him think that he’s making the right decision. Keep in mind its his loss not yours!

4. Cut off all contact with him for at least a month. This will help the healing process because you won’t be talking to him all the time.

5. Box up all the things that he gave you, or that remind you of him. Put them in a box for a time when you’re less emotional.

6. When he does come back around, make him work for your attention. Even though you may still like him, make him think that he has to win you back, and that you have other prospects out there waiting for you. Remember to remain classy.

Best of luck ladies
Natasha Raina